Cedar Creek

In 2015, FHM followed the vision and calling God laid on their hearts to create a space for women to follow where He leads. We purchased 20.2 acres just a few miles southwest of Winterset, IA, that we now call Cedar Creek. Cedar Creek is nestled in the rolling hills and tucked in between farms and river timber. When you turn the curve on Fox Trail you know you have arrived at a special place God has set aside for His glory. Women immediately warm up to the special “nooks” …the barn with a “Cracker Barrel” porch, a weeping willow with Adirondack chairs under its canopy, a quaint little pond with a rustic fishing shelter, a roaring campfire awaiting s’more making and great conversations, the Harvest Garden lined with bluebird houses, short hiking areas, and amazing sunset views to name just a few. Retreats are hosted in the large home where lodging, dining and meeting space are all under one roof. It’s been a blessing as God prepares for the future retreat barn plans that are “above and beyond” (Ephesians 3:20).


A Space for women to gather and god to work

At each of our events, we are blessed to witness God at work in the lives of women in ways that only the God of the universe can. The FHM staff at Cedar Creek has seen God soften the hearts of women who were turned off by religion, uninterested in a relationship with Him, or just truly broken down by the world. We have witnessed the restoration of broken relationships, shattering of strongholds and rekindling of faith in Jesus Christ. Hearts become tender for Him as we sing His praises. Our retreats leave women fired up and ready to fearlessly pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. Women need to “Selah” (pause and consider what the Lord has done) and spend quality time seeking and listening to Him. God wants women to get away from the busyness and distractions of their lives to connect more deeply and live more authentically for Him.

Cedar Creek is a “safe” space where women are accepted and loved no matter where they are in their journey with Christ. They can be real about their faith and dare to be truly authentic with each other. In this small-group, home-like atmosphere there are more opportunities for the FHM staff to share and show God’s love through serving women, praying with women, talking with women and laughing and crying with women. The home-cooked meals, served with love, are a definite bonus.